Thursday 24 October 2013

The Night Life

Creative Commons License
The Night Life by Adlyn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Singapore License.
Based on a work at
This is a shot that I took while walking along Singapore River. Surprisingly it was my first time going there so I decided to take a picture of the scene. It was beautiful and calming since it was at night. The lights of the buildings that surrounds the area light up pretty nicely. There were a lot of bars and clubs around that area but we decided to opt out from going there. I had a lovely time with a great bunch of friends, just chilling by the river and talked about everything and anything. It is probably very 'unSingaporean' of me to not know about this place. But there's a first time for everything. It's a very nice place, I hope to visit it again.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Facts about me

Calls for a celebration! I have officially hit 30 posts on my blog! 
I am gonna do a '30 facts about me' on this post to celebrate my awesomeness.

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with myself
  2. I am a huge fan of Chris Brown, Sleeping With Sirens and The Script
  3. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters
  4. My favourite part of my body is my fingers (surprisingly not my hair)
  5. I'd like my forte to be drawing faces although i am not good at it
  6. I wanna be a tattoo artist one day
  7. I wanted to be a makeup artist (still do but probably freelancing)
  9. I worked at Cotton On
  10. My circle of friends is small, i can count them with my fingers
  11. I love collecting pretty boxes and notebooks
  12. I LOVE CHIIIICKIIIIN (inside joke hahaha) - but no i really do love chicken
  13. I have an instagram, twitter, tumblr (and a lot more) account
  14. I have a personal blog which i don't use anymore
  15. I love the darkness (familiar ones)
  16. I am emotionally tired all the time
  17. I don't get sick a lot
  18. I love black, red and the occasional pink/purple
  19. I take a lot of selfies 
  20. I hate staying at home
  21. I've only been to the gym 3 times in my entire life (bite me)
  22. I love to sing (i get into my feelings a lot when i'm singing. brings me happiness and pain)
  23. I don't like to like people
  24. I have trust issues, sometimes
  25. I have this habit of 'imaginary puking' at times
  26. I get violent when i'm angry or pissed 
  27. I miss my ex best friend a lot 
  28. I'm claustrophobic
  29. When i think too much, i cry
  30. I try to be positive for the people around me 

Ancient family photoshoot

Family potrait - 3 different ways! (My favourite for this picture is the fancywear)

Me, myself and i! If things did not go wrong, modelling would be what i was doing right now. 

Me and my big brother! who can be a pain in the ass sometimes but i love him a lot! 

My big bro, my bald-headed little sis and my cute self! 

A few years back, my family and I had a mini photoshoot at some studio. We had the chance to play dress up! I was the one who was really excited because taking pictures and dressing up was my favourite thing to do when i was young! (It still is but i can't tell if it gotten worst or no). There were three theme to this photoshoot. First one being malay traditional wear, second would be Japanese wear and kimonos thing and last but not least, *starts singing Suit and Tie* fancy-pantsy wear! 
I loved every single shot they took of us. If i had the chance to do a photoshoot with my family again soon, i'd half-heartedly would go for it. 

Friday 27 September 2013

3d model

Here is a picture of my my 3d class project i did with the help of an angel (hahahaha)! This is a.. *drumrolls* a chariot! I know you must be wondering how in the world is that a chariot. I honestly think it does not look like a chariot but A for effort, yes?! Let me explain. I had to break apart a toy piano for construct a different thing. After much thinking (trust me), voila! That was what i came up with. A foam already shaped like a 'chair', two handles i broke apart to make the strap, used batteries as legs, a round speaker thing as its head and bits and pieces of loose plastic things to make the face, feet, tail and the wheel of the chariot!

It looks pretty decent...... right? But yes this would be the last time i am ever going to make a 3d sculpture. 

Nutella goodness

Credits: Hubert's fingers & Valerie's yummy cupcake

Let me just say.. HOW YUMMY DOES THAT LOOKS? It tastes even better! My dear friend Val baked cupcakes for us! Or should i say some, because it was only good for 12 people! The lucky ones did not have to share.. hehehe. The unlucky ones had to! but it's all good because they don't mind. Ha! But anyways how thoughtful is she? It has chocolate chips inside and nutella at the top. It is a little bit sticky to be honest. It gets stuck around my mouth and my teeth would be covered in nutella. But i honestly don't mind going for seconds..... Oh wait i did! HAHAHA.

 Oh i feel like i'm drooling at this very moment... 

Awards Night - Cotton On style!

My cousin in the red hair, my good friend/workmate!

I went for a company event around mid this year. I worked at Cotton On, if some of you guys don't know.
Anyways, it's called Awards' Night where they give a little recognition to everyone who has worked at Cotton On. Not everyone is invited though. I managed to go because i was good friends with my manager and she was actually the one who wanted me to attend so i said why not! It took part at a club called 'The Dream'. Yes i know you might be thinking something along these lines.. 'Omg Adlyn clubs, who knew?!' She probably drinks as well!' It was actually my first time going to a club and i must say.. it was not that fun. Considering the fact that i WAS underage (i was 17 at that time), i could not join the party downstairs. It was a double storey club. I was literally escorted to the second floor because i was underage. I could not drink (I don't anyways), i could not join my friends (They're 20 and above) downstairs to party. Yeah i was pissed at first but i cooled down when the bouncers took care of me like i was some VIP. They offered me drinks, food and escorted me to EVERYWHERE I went. Crazy!! I made friends before, during and after the event! Aha!

Oh i forgot, i had free flow of.... Coke! AHA! Be jealous!!! 


Old drawing of Cara Develinge.
At first, i actually just drew her normal self. It turned out.. honestly good. It's not that bad. i worked hard on it. Took me a whole lot of whiles to get it done. To perfect it basically. But i decided to be just a little crazy and started adding colours and shapes on her face?! Experimenting is what i should say! Since i have the dreams of becoming an artist who specializes in portraits, i should practice and explore a little bit more? Yes i should!

Details details details.
They are the most important point i should focus on but i can't seem to get it right.